
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Foxy Finds

As well as flamingoes and of course cats, I also love foxes. They're my spirit animal I guess. Well, specifically this particular fox:

I'm known to some as "Derpy fox", a name which I think suits me rather well.

I thought that I'd therefore show you a few of my foxy fashion treasures.

First up is some items very close to my heart. A good while ago, a friend of mine held a fabulous housewarming party for which the theme was noah's ark crossed with the roaring twenties. There were already flamingoes going, so I decided to be a red fox with the help of etsy. I bought this beautiful mask and tail combo from a lovely shop called Opposite of Far. Sadly Jessica (her surname is Near, hence the gorgeous name of the shop) doesn't seem to be selling anything at the moment, but if you're after a nice handmade mask, I'd highly recommend her. She was super helpful with all the questions I had- I was worried that the ribbon on the tail might be too small for my massive hips, and she was so sweet and reassuring, and can even change the colour to go with the dress that you're wearing.

The mask has sort of become a signature piece of mine as I use it as my Twitter avatar on my Super Sekrit account. 

Next up is my slightly gruesome, though rather cute scarf. 

That colour scheme sort of makes it look like our poor vulpine friend has been squished. But I loved him so much when I saw him that I had a minor fight to grab him in a John Lewis sale. 

I've made some really wonderful friends through Twitter over the years, one of whom is the truly wonderful @Jackpot73. She was kind enough to send me a super special present the other day.

It's a beautiful little ginger glass fox necklace. It's so cute and stylised, I love it to bits. This might sound weird, but because its glass it's also very tactile. I have a habit of playing with my jewellery a lot, and I just love the feel of this- its sort of comforting. I love that she saw this and thought of me- she's such a good friend, and I can always rely on her to bring a ray of sunshine into my life whenever we chat :)

Finally, we recently moved and bought a new bed. And of course no bed is complete without a lovely new duvet cover. When I saw this Mr Fox bedding set from Scion, I just knew I had to have it. 

I've also very sadly just thrown out my Little Miss Sew fox cardigan. I've had it for years and it never quite fitted right, but since I've put so much weight on lately it was just getting depressing, so unfortunately it had to go. It was super cute in its day though, even if the fox was a little evil looking. 

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